Talk about last minute! I finally got down to making my October tag for Tim's Twelve Tags of 2013 Challenge. You can see his fabulous tag by following the link here. I was a bit short of supplies for this one, so there are the usual improvisations. One thing I didn't have is that glorious looking Distress Glitter. It's now top of my shopping list. I'm really pleased with how the frame worked out, I used a technique Tim shared with us on CC102, he calls it 'tarnished silver'. I changed it slightly by using gold embossing powder, and added a bit of gold glitter to the second heat embossing stage. This was great as it embeds the glitter into the surface. Can't wait to try it with distress glitter. Here's a close up....
I also got to use some of the layered stencil techniques as well. The spider is from a Halloween pack from the pound shop. Tim, you must visit one of these shops when your next in the UK, they're especially good at this time of year! I cover the spider with glossy accents and black glitter.
The fly's wings have also had a glittering with Clear Rock Candy Distress Glitter. Before completing this tag I started a couple of others, (as you do!) . I had a go at colouring the Clear Rock Candy Glitter with Egg Plant Alcohol Ink.
Although I loved the effect, It just didn't seem to go with my spider and fly, so I changed it up and chose a more muted colour palette for my finished tag. The photos I'm afraid don't really do this one justice but it could just be my favourite tag I've made this year. Right, I'm off to carve a pumpkin, and bake a cake. I've got my lovely nephews and nieces and their children coming round for some Halloween fun. Enjoy everybody ! x
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