Hi everybody ! Here I am once again taking it to the eleventh hour, to post my tag for Tim's Twelve Tags of 2016 Technique Remix Challenge. You can see Tim's post here, with this link. Now, my tag didn't get the full remix treatment this month, as I had 'lost' my Tiny Tattered Florals dies. one minute they were there on my table,in the next, they had vanished into the black hole that is evident in my craft room ! Grrrr! I spent ages overturning the heaps of 'un-put away stuff' and retracing my steps to no avail. I decided to just press on and came up with the little decoupaged flower arrangement you can see here with roses cut from the gorgeous Wall Flower Paper Stack.
.......Now what about my Tiny Tattered Florals..... I found them! I had been listening to some music on my stereo player, (I suppose that's a bit old fashioned now) when I got up to change the music, there it was, stacked between the CDs. Doh! x
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