Hip, hip, hooray! I've made it to the end of Tim's Twelve Tags Re-Mix Challenge. Once again, it's been a fabulous, fun year of creative challenges, set by Tim Holtz. You can see his lovely tag with this link. The Technique Re-Mix challenge, has provided a great opportunity to re-visit some of Tim's superb techniques, from times gone by. For the final tag of 2016, Tim has mixed it up with Shadow Press from May 2014 and Burlap and Punches, from 2015. I haven't acquired any of the leaf punches (yet!) so I have used a die cut instead, That's the great thing about Tim's challenges, you don't have to have everything, you just get down and use what you've got. So thank you Tim for another great year of tag making, as well as the opportunity to read your blog and follow your creative adventures, with Mario, Paula, Chelle and the rest of your talented friends. Hope to share more of your adventures in 2017. Happy New Year everybody ! x
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