Well there are a couple of days left of September and here I am posting my entry for Tim's Twelve Tags of 2014 Challenge. As usual this was a fun tag to make and gave me an opportunity to get out my rather neglected Alcohol Inks. These aren't usually my 'go to' medium of choice, but I always enjoy using them when I'm kind of forced into it ! One thing I do love using though, is this phrenology head, it crops up fairly regularly in my work. I used masking tape to mask the top of the head, before stamping. I then masked the bottom half and turned the stamp at an angle to create this kind of hinged effect. Just right for setting these birds free !
There's not long to wait for another of Tim's tags, it's hard to believe that there will only be another three tags left for the 2014 challenge. Time sure does march on ! x
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